Currently in NYC, it's sweltering and unbearably hot, but back in January, the mother of all snowstorms hit NYC and left behind around 26" of snow if my memory serves me correctly, which was less than an inch shy of the record set decades and decades ago. Shame. Even so, I had to make the most of the amazing storm and I went out both during and after the storm was happening to shoot a roll of Tri-X black and white film on my newly acquired Agfa MOVEXOOM10 Super 8 camera. It was bitter, bitter cold and I had about 6 layers of clothes on but being able to capture those couple of days on Super 8 was worth it.
The photos I included here are some Polaroids I shot with my Polaroid Land 250 with Fujifilm FP-3000b film from a snowstorm that actually hit in 2015! Figured they would fit well in this post about sledding and black & white film.
Polaroid Land 250. Fujifilm FP-3000b. January 2015
Polaroid Land 250. Fujifilm FP-3000b. January 2015
The results were amazing! I actually held off on developing the roll for a little while because I had signed up for a workshop with MONO NO AWARE which is a cinema arts non-profit here in NYC which focuses on motion picture filmmaking on real film and does a wide variety of workshops focusing on everything from technique to developing the film. This time, I took a class on how to develop reversal black and white Kodak Tri-X film so the film would be able to be projected. The class went well and seeing the results of the snowstorm projected was even better. You can see the scanned version below.
And here's a snapshot by a friend of me battling the elements with my Super 8 camera.